What is Corona Virus? कोरोना वायरस क्या है?

January 26, 2020

What is Corona Virus? कोरोना वायरस क्या है?

What is Corona Virus? कोरोना वायरस क्या है?
What is Corona Virus? कोरोना वायरस क्या है?

Corona Viruses area unit a bunch of viruses that cause diseases in mammals and birds that embody symptom in cows and pigs, and higher disease in chickens. In humans, the virus causes metabolic process infections, that area unit typically gentle, however area unit probably deadly. There are not any vaccines or antiviral medicine that area unit approved for interference or treatment.

What is Corona Virus? कोरोना वायरस क्या है?
What is Corona Virus? कोरोना वायरस क्या है?

कोरोना वायरस - वायरस का एक समूह है जो स्तनधारियों और पक्षियों में बीमारियों का कारण बनता है। जिसमें गायों और सूअरों में दस्त और मुर्गियों में ऊपरी श्वसन रोग शामिल हैं। मनुष्यों में, वायरस श्वसन संक्रमण का कारण बनता है, जो अक्सर हल्के होते हैं, लेकिन संभावित रूप से घातक होते हैं। कोई टीके या एंटीवायरल दवाएं नहीं हैं जो रोकथाम या उपचार के लिए अनुमोदित हैं।
Source: Wikipedia

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What is Corona Virus? कोरोना वायरस क्या है? What is Corona Virus? कोरोना वायरस क्या है? Reviewed by Science Tutor on January 26, 2020 Rating: 5

Why do we feel severe burning sensation on Bees bite? मधुमक्खी के काटने पर हमें तीखी जलन का अहसास क्यों होता है?

January 15, 2020

Why do we feel severe burning sensation on Bees bite?

The bees stings, leaving two chemicals called Epitoxin and Pheromance. Actually the bees does not want to sting. She stings only when an attack has been made on her or his umbrella. Epitoxin causes irritation. Other bees from pheromones are cautioned that other flies come to their defense when attacked.

Why do we feel severe burning sensation on Bees bite?
Why do we feel severe burning sensation on Bees bite?

मधुमक्खी के काटने पर हमें तीखी जलन का अहसास क्यों होता है?

मधुमक्खी डंक मारती है तो एपिटॉक्सिन  और फेरोमांस नामक दो रसायन छोड़ती है। दरअसल मधुमक्खी डंक मारना नहीं चाहती। वह डंक तभी मारती है, जब उस पर या उसके छते पर हमला बोला गया हो। एपिटॉक्सिन से जलन होती है। फेरोमोंस से दूसरी मधुमक्खियों को सावधान किया जाता है कि हमला होने पर दूसरी मक्खियां उसकी रक्षा के लिए आ जाएं।
Why do we feel severe burning sensation on Bees bite? मधुमक्खी के काटने पर हमें तीखी जलन का अहसास क्यों होता है? Why do we feel severe burning sensation on Bees bite? मधुमक्खी के काटने पर हमें तीखी जलन का अहसास क्यों होता है? Reviewed by Science Tutor on January 15, 2020 Rating: 5

Why are the eyes closed when sleep occurs? नीद आने पर आंखें क्यों बंद होती है?

January 15, 2020

Why are the eyes closed when sleep occurs?

Although some people can sleep with their eyes open and some even walk in sleep, but the reasons for closing the eyes at bedtime are understood as follows - sleeping works the mind but the sounds and lights keep the mind stuck. We have to move away from sound and light to give the brain the signal to sleep. Closing the eyes reduces visual input. Apart from this, keeping the eyes closed does not cause anything in the eye while sleeping. This keeps the eyes safe.

Why are the eyes closed when sleep occurs?
Why are the eyes closed when sleep occurs?

नीद आने पर आंखें क्यों बंद होती है?

हालांकि कुछ लोग आंखें खोलकर  भी सो सकते हैं और कुछ लोग नींद में चलते भी हैं लेकिन सोते समय आंखें बंद करने के जो कारण समझ आते हैं, वे इस प्रकार हैं - सोने का काम दिमाग करता है लेकिन आवाजे और रोशनी दिमाग को अटकाए रखती हैं। दिमाग को सोने का संकेत देने के लिए हमे आवाज और रोशनी से दूर जाना होता है। आंखें बंद कर लेने से विजुअल इनपुट कम हो जाता है। इसके अलावा आखें बंद रखने से सोते समय आंख में कुछ जाता भी नहीं है। इससे आंखें सुरक्षित रहती हैं।
Why are the eyes closed when sleep occurs? नीद आने पर आंखें क्यों बंद होती है? Why are the eyes closed when sleep occurs? नीद आने पर आंखें क्यों बंद होती है? Reviewed by Science Tutor on January 15, 2020 Rating: 5

What is XML Document? Science Tutor

January 11, 2020

What is XML Document?

An XML Schema is a language for expressing constraints about XML documents. There are several different schema languages in widespread use, but the main ones are Document Type Definitions (DTDs), Relax-NG, Schematron and W3C XSD (XML Schema DefinitionXML Document Type Declaration, commonly known as DTD, is a way to describe precisely the XML language. DTDs check the validity of structure and vocabulary of an XML document against the grammatical rules of the appropriate XML language.
An XML document can be defined as:
Well-formed : If the XML document adheres to all the general XML rules such as tags must be properly nested, opening and closing tags must be balanced, and empty tags must end with '/>', then it is called as well-formed .
Valid : An XML document said to be valid when it is not only well-formed , but it also conforms to available DTD that specifies which tags it uses, what attributes those tags can contain, and which tags can occur inside other tags, among other properties.
The following diagram represents that a DTD is used to structure the XML document:
DTD can be classified on its declaration basis in the XML document, such as:
  • Internal DTD - When a DTD is declared within the file it is called Internal DTD
  • External DTD - When a DTD is declared in a separate file it is called External DTD

What is XML Document? Science Tutor What is XML Document? Science Tutor Reviewed by Science Tutor on January 11, 2020 Rating: 5

Humans are overloading the world’s freshwater bodies with phosphorus

January 05, 2020

Humans are overloading the world’s freshwater bodies with phosphorus

   Human activities are driving phosphorus levels in the world’s lakes, rivers and other freshwater bodies to a critical point. The freshwater bodies on 38 percent of Earth’s land area (not including Antarctica) are overly enriched with phosphorus, leading to potentially toxic algal blooms and less available drinking water, researchers report January 24 in Water Resources Research.

   Sewage, agriculture and other human sources add about 1.5 teragrams of phosphorus to freshwaters each year, the study estimates. That’s roughly equivalent to about four times the weight of the Empire State Building. The scientists tracked human phosphorus inputs from 2002 to 2010 from domestic, industrial and agricultural sources. Phosphorus in human waste was responsible for about 54 percent of the global load, while agricultural fertilizer use contributed about 38 percent. By country, China contributed 30 percent of the global total, India 8 percent and the United States 7 percent.
Humans are overloading the world’s freshwater bodies with phosphorus - sciencetutorz
Humans are overloading the world’s freshwater bodies with phosphorus - sciencetutorz

Humans are overloading the world’s freshwater bodies with phosphorus Humans are overloading the world’s freshwater bodies with phosphorus Reviewed by Science Tutor on January 05, 2020 Rating: 5
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