What is Ruby Laser? What is the Principle of Ruby Laser? Spiking in Ruby Laser? What are uses of Ruby Laser? Explained

Ruby Laser Â»

Ruby Laser | Science Tutor
The first laser to be operated successfully was the Ruby Laser. Ruby crystal have high mechanical and thermal conductivity which was developed by T. H. Maiman in 1960.

Principle of Ruby Laser Â»

Ruby crystals are formed by adding small amount of Cr2O3 In the melt of highly purified Al2O3. The Chromium ions present in the crystals impark pink color.

Spiking in Ruby Laser Â»

During a short period of time in which ruby is lasing the emission is found to consist of spikes of high intensity called Spiking of lasers.
Spiking in Ruby Laser | Science Tutor

Working of Ruby Laser Â»

Energy Level Diagram | Science Tutor

Uses of Ruby Laser Â»

  1. It is used in holography.
  2. It is used in interferometery.
  3. It is used in measuring electron density and temp. of plasma.
  4. Ruby lasers are used to remove tatoos.
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