Flux Quantization
When a superconducting material in its normal
state and designed in the form of a ring or a hollow cylinder is placed in a
magnetic field perpendicular to the plane of ring or cylinder as shown in
figure and the temperature is reduced below the transition temperature, it
becomes a diamagent and magnetic flux density through it becomes zero. When the
external field is made zero, even then the current continues to flow and
produces a flux Ñ„ given by
= nh / 2e
Where h is a Planck’s constant and e is ht
charge on electron. Here n can have values 1,2,3…
Clearly Ñ„ is quantized in terms of h/2e . The minimum vale of
flux associated with the ring or cylinder is called fluxoid.
Therefore, fluxoid = h/2e =
6.626 x 10-34/ 2 x 1.6x10-19 =
2.07 x 10-15 Wb
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