[Internet Security] How to Secure on the Internet?? Explained?? | Scienc...

Security on internet:

1. Up to date:

Make sure that all your softwares are updated. Specially your browsers adn plugins.

2. Firewall:

Make sure that you have a strong firewall. For windows we Windows Firewall.

3. Antivirus:

Install any paid antivirus for better performance, like avast, avira, quick hill, gardian and lots more find on the hardware store or on online  stores like amazon, flipkart, snapdeals, etc.

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[Internet Security] How to Secure on the Internet?? Explained?? | Scienc... [Internet Security] How to Secure on the Internet?? Explained?? | Scienc... Reviewed by Science Tutor on May 30, 2017 Rating: 5

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