[Java Programming] Programs using concept of Inheritance. [Science Tutor]

5.1: Program on single Inheritance

import java.io.*;
class Room
                                int length, width;
                                Room(int x,int y)
                }              length=x;    width=y;
                                int AreaO
                                Int a=length* width;
                                Return a;
Class Child extends Room
                                Int height;
                                Child(int x,int y ,int z)
                                Int volumeO
                                Int v=length* width* height;
                                Return v;
class inherit
{              public static void main(String s[ ])
                Child obj= new Child(10,20,30);
                int c= obj.Area();
                int d= obj.Volume();

Area = 200
Volume = 6000

5.2. Program on Multilevel Inheritance
Class A
                Int length;
                A(int x)
                                Int Area1()
                                Int a=length*length;
                                Return a;
Class B extends A
                Int width;
                                B(int x, int y)
                                Int Area2()
                Int r=length*width;
                                Return r;
Class C extends B
                Int height;
                                C(int x, int y, int z)
                                Int volume()
                                Int b=length*width*height;
                                Return b;
Class Inherit
                Public static void main(String s[])
                C obj=new C (10,20, 30)
                Int p= obj.Area1();
                Int q = obj.Area2();
                Int r = obj.volume();
                System.out.println(“Area of square is:”+p);
                System.out.println(“Area of rectangle is:”+q);
                System.out.println(“Volume is:”+r);

Output is
Area of square is: 100
Area of rectangle is: 200
Volume is: 6000

5.3: Program on Hierarchical Inheritance

Class A
      int length
      A( int x)
          int Areal ()
         int a= length* length;
         return a;
Class B extends A
    Int width;
              B(int x, int y)
      int Area2()
int r= length * width;
          return r;
Class C extends A
        int height;
                       C(int x, int y)
          Super (x);
         int Area3()
    int b= length * height
  return b;
Class inherit
      Public static void main(string s[])
      B obj1=new B (10,20);
      Cobj2=new C (30,40);
       Int p = obj1.Areal();
       Int q = obj2.Areal();
       Int r = obj1.Area1();
       Int t = obj2.Area2();
      System.out.println(“Areal is: ” +p);
      System.out.println(“Areal is:”+q);
      System.out.println(“Areal is:” +r);
      System.out.println(“Areal is:” +t);

Output is
Areal is: 100
Area1 is: 900
Area2 is: 200

Area3 is: 1200

[Java Programming] Programs using concept of Inheritance. [Science Tutor] [Java Programming] Programs using concept of Inheritance. [Science Tutor] Reviewed by Anoop Kumar Sharma on April 07, 2017 Rating: 5

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