Windows 11 | Trailer | Science Tutor

May 31, 2017
Windows 11 is designed to be compatible with the hardware, software, peripherals and android platform. And always-enabled updates help you stay current on features and security for the supported lifetime of your device. Microsoft Store & Play Store united for best experience.

Download apps onto to your computer with a single click. Bluestacks merges your Windows or OSX and Android experiences seemlessly. Applications and games can now live behind a single desktop icon.

Gaming just got even better with Windows 11. Not only do your existing games work great, but now you can play and connect with gamers across Xbox One and Windows 11 devices. From the best casual games to a new generation of PC gaming, Windows 11 is built for games you love.

Windows 11 comes with elegant built-in apps5 like Maps, Photos, Mail & Calendar, Groove, and Movies & TV. And these apps use OneDrive to back up your information and sync seamlessly across your Windows 11 devices, so you’re never far from what you need.

For the first time, you can play Castle Clash on a big screen and message on Whatsapp at the same time. You can also share files from your PC and Mac onto mobile, for example posting photos on Instagram from your computer.

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Windows 11 | Trailer | Science Tutor Windows 11 | Trailer | Science Tutor Reviewed by Anoop Kumar Sharma on May 31, 2017 Rating: 5

[Computer Science] Why security of Information is more important for us?...

May 31, 2017

We handle various kind of informations like...

1. Bank related informations like a/c numbers, user ID, passwords, etc.
2. Social media related informations like email IDs and passwords, social media login details etc.
3. User data may contains any confidential informations and any other...
for more details watch this video:

© Science Tutor - Smart Study Anytime Anywhere
[Computer Science] Why security of Information is more important for us?... [Computer Science] Why security of Information is more important for us?... Reviewed by Anoop Kumar Sharma on May 31, 2017 Rating: 5

[Internet Security] How to Secure on the Internet?? Explained?? | Scienc...

May 30, 2017

Security on internet:

1. Up to date:

Make sure that all your softwares are updated. Specially your browsers adn plugins.

2. Firewall:

Make sure that you have a strong firewall. For windows we Windows Firewall.

3. Antivirus:

Install any paid antivirus for better performance, like avast, avira, quick hill, gardian and lots more find on the hardware store or on online  stores like amazon, flipkart, snapdeals, etc.

© Science Tutor - Smart Study Anytime Anywhere
[Internet Security] How to Secure on the Internet?? Explained?? | Scienc... [Internet Security] How to Secure on the Internet?? Explained?? | Scienc... Reviewed by Science Tutor on May 30, 2017 Rating: 5

[Computer Science] Full Form of Computer | Explained - Science Tutor

May 30, 2017
[Computer Science] Full Form of Computer | Explained - Science Tutor [Computer Science] Full Form of Computer | Explained - Science Tutor Reviewed by Science Tutor on May 30, 2017 Rating: 5

[Computer Science] Block Diagram of Compuer System - Science Tutor

May 27, 2017
[Computer Science] Block Diagram of Compuer System - Science Tutor [Computer Science] Block Diagram of Compuer System - Science Tutor Reviewed by Science Tutor on May 27, 2017 Rating: 5

Basic Interview Questions for Microsoft Word, Access, Excel, and PowerPoint – Science Tutor

May 24, 2017

Basic Interview Questions for Microsoft Word, Access, Excel, and PowerPoint – Science Tutor

Microsoft Word

1. Tell me about the most complex document you have created in Word and the features or
tools that you used to create the document.
2. How do you create a document in Microsoft Word from scratch?
In the upper-left corner of the Word program window, click the File tab, and then click New. The
New Document dialog box opens. With Blank document selected, click Create.

3. How do you save a document in Microsoft Word?
To save a document for the first time, you can press Ctrl+S, click the Save button on the Quick
Access toolbar, or click Save on the File tab. All three options display a dialog box in which you
specify a name for the document.

4. How do you track changes to documents?
You can use Word's Track Changes feature to record the changes made to a document. Click the
Track Changes button in the Tracking group on the Review tab. Word highlights the button,
indicating that the Track Changes feature is turned on.

5. How do you format text, change font, and font size?
To format text, in the Font group on the Home tab, click the Bold, Italic or Underline button. To
change the font and font size click on the toolbar. Click the Font arrow to display a list of available
fonts. Then click the Font Size arrow to select the size.

6. What will the following key combination do: Ctrl+P?
Ctrl+P will print the document.

7. How do you check spellings and grammar of a MS Word document?
Place the cursor at the beginning of the document or at the beginning of the section that you want
to check. Click the Review tab on the tool bar. Click Spelling & Grammar on the Proofing

Microsoft Excel

1. Tell me about the most complex document you have created in Excel and the features or tools
that you used to create the document.
2. How do you create a spreadsheet in Microsoft Excel from scratch?
When you start Excel without specifying a document to open you get a blank workbook in a new
workbook window. This workbook, temporarily named Book1, contains three blank worksheets
(Sheet1, Sheet2, and Sheet3). To begin to work on a new spreadsheet, you simply start entering
information in the first sheet of the Book1 workbook window.

3. How do you save a spreadsheet in Microsoft Excel?
Click the Save button on the Quick Access toolbar or press Ctrl+S; then designate the drive and
folder directory where the file should be located.

4. How do you print a spreadsheet in Microsoft Excel?
First, use the Print Preview feature before you print any worksheet to see exactly how the
worksheet data will be paged when printed. You then can click the print icon in the toolbar.

5. How do you format cells in a spreadsheet?
First, you highlight the entire block of cells you wish to format. You then can either right click the
block of cells to format or select one of the formatting buttons on the toolbar.

Microsoft PowerPoint

1. Tell me about the most complex document you have created in PowerPoint and the features or tools that you used to create the document.

2. When you create something in PowerPoint what is it called?
A presentation.

3. How do you create a new presentation?
You would click the Office button to open the File menu and choose New to display the New
Presentation window. Double-click Blank Presentation to open a new presentation based on the
blank template.

4. How do you view your presentation in full screen mode?
Click the Slide Show view button to display the slide show starting with the currently selected slide.

5. How do you save a PowerPoint presentation?
Click the Office button and choose Save from the File menu to display the Save As dialog box. Type
a name for the document and then click save.

6. How do you build a slide in a blank presentation?
Click the New Slide button to insert a new title and content slide. To change the layout click the
arrow on the New Slide button and click another option from the drop-down box to insert a slide
with a different layout.

7. How do you select and apply Theme colors?
Go to the Design tab and locate the Themes group. Hover over a theme to see a preview of it in
the presentation. Click a theme to apply it to the slides.

8. How do you apply a transition to a slide?
Select the slide you wish to modify. Click on the Transitions tab. Locate the preferred transition
type to apply. Click on the transition to apply it to the selected slide.

Microsoft Access

1. Tell me about the most complex document you have created in Access and the features or
tools that you used to create the document.
2. What is Microsoft Access and what can it do?
Access is a database-management program that enables you to maintain databases. It is a tool for
gathering information and provides a convenient way to enter, navigate, and report the data.

3. What are queries?
Queries are the means of manipulating the data to display in a form or report. Queries can sort,
calculate, group, filter, join tables, update data, delete data, etc.

4. What are joins?
Joins extend and describe relationships in Access by specifying the details of the relationship
between two tables. A relationship is usually a link between two common fields in the tables. In
one of the tables, the field is known as the primary key and in the other table, it is known as the
foreign key.

5. How do you create joins in Access?
You can create joins in queries either by opening a query in Design View, or by selecting
Relationships in the Relationships group on the Database Tools tab.

6. What is an easy way to enter data when using Access?
An easy way to enter data, especially into more than one related table, is to use a form — a
standard database document that displays information from one or more tables on-screen.

7. How do you open a database in Access?
You can open an existing database from the Getting Started screen, or within the regular Access
window. To open a database from the Getting Started window, click its name if it appears in the list
of recently used databases (on the right). If the name doesn’t appear, click the More option at the
top of the list of recently opened databases, and then navigate to the database.

8. Describe at least two ways of creating a new table.
Click the Create tab on the toolbar and then use a blank table or table templates or Design View.

9. How do you modify a table in Access?
To modify a table, open it in Design view. Scroll to the bottom of the list of field names already in
the table. Or, to insert a new field above an existing field, right-click the existing field’s name and
choose Insert Rows. Then you can type the new field’s name into the Field Name column.

10. How do you export data in Excel format?
Select the External Data tab on the toolbar. Click Excel on the Export group. The export Excel
spreadsheet dialog box will open. Specify a destination file name and format and click OK to export
the data to an Excel spreadsheet.
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Basic Interview Questions for Microsoft Word, Access, Excel, and PowerPoint – Science Tutor Basic Interview Questions for Microsoft Word, Access, Excel, and PowerPoint – Science Tutor Reviewed by Anoop Kumar Sharma on May 24, 2017 Rating: 5

How To Create GMAIL (Google Mail) Account in 2017 | Science Tutor

May 24, 2017

[Social Media Tips] How To Create GMAIL (Google Mail) Account in 2017 | Science Tutor

In this video we are showing you How To Create GMAIL (Google Mail) ID easily Step - By - Step. For Learn Complete Tuturial Watch This Video till end...

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# Science Tutor - Smart Study Anytime Anywhere

How To Create GMAIL (Google Mail) Account in 2017 | Science Tutor How To Create GMAIL (Google Mail) Account in 2017 | Science Tutor Reviewed by Anoop Kumar Sharma on May 24, 2017 Rating: 5


May 22, 2017


ISRO (Indian Space Research Organisation) & NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration)  are going to launch satellite named NISAR for the study of various natural activities occurs on the Earth. The NASA-ISRO Synthetic Aperture Radar, or NISAR satellite, will provide an unprecedented detailed view of Earth by using advanced radar imaging. It is designed to observe and take measurements of some of the planet's most complex processes, including ecosystem disturbancesice-sheet collapse and natural hazards such as earthquakestsunamisvolcanoes and landslides.

Features of NISAR Satellite:

  • Through NISAR Radar SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) technology we able to captured the detailed and clear pictures of Earth.
  • Through NISAR satellite we able to explained the various natural activities and disaster like Diversity, Tsunami, Landslide, Melting of Glaciers etc.
  • Through NISAR we available the detailed information about the Earth’s Crust, Forecast of Natural Disasters and other natural activities. It also helpful for our scientists to take care of the water resources like (Lakes, seas, oceans, etc.).
  • The satellite design will make use of a large deployable mesh antenna and will operate on dual L band and S band.
Image Source: Internet
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Names of States, Capitals and CM's Respectively in Hindi For Year 2017-18 (Science Tutor)

May 13, 2017
1) राज्य : अरुणाचल प्रदेश
राजधानी : इटानगर
मुख्यमंत्री : पेमा खंडू (रा.कॉ.)
राज्यपाल : ज्योतीप्रसाद राजखोवा
2) राज्य : असम
राजधानी : दिसपुर
मुख्यमंत्री : सर्वानंद सोनोवाल (भाजपा)
राज्यपाल : पी.बी. आचार्य
3) राज्य : आंध्रप्रदेश
राजधानी : हैदराबाद (प्रस्तावित : अमरावती)
मुख्यमंत्री : एन. चंद्राबाबू नायडू (टीडीपी)
राज्यपाल : .एल. नरसिंहम
4) राज्य : बिहार
राजधानी : पटना
मुख्यमंत्री: नितिश कुमार (जेडीयू)
राज्यपाल : रामनाथ कोविंद
5) राज्य : छत्तीसगढ़
राजधानी : नया रायपुर
मुख्यमंत्री : डॉ. रमण सिंग(भाजपा)
राज्यपाल : बलराम दास टंडन
6) राज्य : दिल्ली (कें.प्र.)
राजधानी : दिल्ली
मुख्यमंत्री : अरविंद केजरीवाल(आप)
राज्यपाल : नजिब जंग

7) राज्य : गोवा
राजधानी : पणजी
मुख्यमंत्री : मनोहर परिकर (भाजपा)
राज्यपाल : मृदुला सिन्हा
8) राज्य : गुजरात
राजधानी : गांधीनगर
मुख्यमंत्री : विजय रुपाणी (भाजपा)
राज्यपाल : .पी. कोहली
9) राज्य : हरियाणा
राजधानी : चंडिगढ़
मुख्यमंत्री : मनोहरलाल खट्टर (भाजपा)
राज्यपाल : कप्तानसिंग सोलंकी
10) राज्य : हिमाचल प्रदेश
राजधानी : शिमला
मुख्यमंत्री : वीरभद्रसिंग (रा. कॉ.)
राज्यपाल : आचार्य देवव्रत
11) राज्य : जम्मु काश्मीर
राजधानी : जम्मू, श्रीनगर
मुख्यमंत्री: मेहबूबा मुफ्ती (पीडीपी)
राज्यपाल : एन.एन. व्होरा
12) राज्य : झारखंड
राजधानी : रांची
मुख्यमंत्री : रघुवर दास (भाजपा)
राज्यपाल : श्रीमती द्रोपदी मुर्मू
13) राज्य : कर्नाटक
राजधानी : बंगलुरू
मुख्यमंत्री : सिद्धरम्मैया (रा. कॉ.)
राज्यपाल : वजुभाई वाला
14) राज्य : केरल
राजधानी : तिरूअनंतपुरम
मुख्यमंत्री : पीनाराई विजयन (माकप)
राज्यपाल : पी. सथशिवम
15) राज्य : मध्य प्रदेश
राजधानी : भोपाल
मुख्यमंत्री : शिवराजसिंह चौहानभाजपा)
राज्यपाल : राम नरेश यादव
16) राज्य : महाराष्ट्र
राजधानी : मुंबई
मुख्यमंत्री : देवेंद्र फडणवीस ( भाजपा )
राज्यपाल : सी. विद्यासागर
17) राज्य : मणिपुर
राजधानी : इंफाल
मुख्यमंत्री : बिरेन्द्र  (भाजपा)
राज्यपाल : व्ही. षण्मुखानाथन
18) राज्य : मेघालय
राजधानी : शिलाँग
मुख्यमंत्री : मुकुल संगमा ( रा. कॉ.)
राज्यपाल : व्ही. षण्मुखनाथन
19) राज्य : नागालैंड
राजधानी : कोहिमा
मुख्यमंत्री : टी.आर. झेलियांग (एन.पी. एफ.)
राज्यपाल : पद्मनाथ आचार्य
20) राज्य : मिजोरम
राजधानी : ऐजॉल
मुख्यमंत्री : पु. ललथनहवला (रा. कॉ.)
राज्यपाल : निर्भय शर्मा
21) राज्य : ओडिशा
राजधानी : भूवनेश्वर
मुख्यमंत्री : नवीन पटनाईक ( बीजेडी )
राज्यपाल : एस.सी.जमीर
22) राज्य : पांडिचेरी (कें.प्र.)
राजधानी : पांडिचेरी
मुख्यमंत्री : व्ही. नारायणसामी ( रा. कॉ.)
राज्यपाल : किरण बेदी
23) राज्य : पंजाब
राजधानी : चंडीगढ़
मुख्यमंत्री : अमरेन्द्रसिंह (कांग्रेस)
राज्यपाल : कप्तानसिंग सोलंकी
24) राज्य : राजस्थान
राजधानी : जयपूर
मुख्यमंत्री : वसुंधराराजे सिंधिया (भाजपा)
राज्यपाल : कल्याण सिंग
25) राज्य : सिक्किम
राजधानी : गंगटोक
मुख्यमंत्री : पवनकुमार चामलिंग (एसडीएफ)
राज्यपाल : श्रीनिवास पाटिल
26) राज्य : तमिलनाडू
राजधानी : चेन्नई
मुख्यमंत्री : पलनीस्वामि (एआयएडीएमके)
राज्यपाल : के. रोसैय्या
27) राज्य : तेलगांना
राजधानी : हैदराबाद
मुख्यमंत्री : चंद्रशेखर राव (टीआरएस)
राज्यपाल : . एस. एल. नरसिंहन
28) राज्य : त्रिपुरा
राजधानी : अगरतला
मुख्यमंत्री : माणिक सरकार (माकप)
राज्यपाल : तथागत रॉय
29) राज्य : उत्तरप्रदेश
राजधानी : लखनऊ
मुख्यमंत्री : योगी अदित्यनाथ (भाजपा)
राज्यपाल : राम नाईक
30) राज्य : उत्तराखंड
राजधानी : देहरादून
मुख्यमंत्री : त्रिवेन्द्र रावत ( भाजपा)
राज्यपाल : कृष्णकांत पॉल
31) राज्य : पश्चिम बंगाल
राजधानी : कोलकता
मुख्यमंत्री : ममता बॅनर्जी (टीएमसी)
राज्यपाल : केसरीनाथ त्रिपाठी

Map of India
[Science Tutor]
Names of States, Capitals and CM's Respectively in Hindi For Year 2017-18 (Science Tutor) Names of States, Capitals and CM's Respectively in Hindi For Year 2017-18 (Science Tutor) Reviewed by Anoop Kumar Sharma on May 13, 2017 Rating: 5

[Hindi & English] How to link facebook group to facebook page in mobile app [Science Tutor]

May 11, 2017
Watch this video till end...

In Facebook sometimes you create a Facebook Page to represent your business and a Facebook Group Also. But pages and groups are different things. In earlier Facebook Announced that the page owners also link their Facebook Page with Their Facebook Groups (that they created for represent their business). If you also want to do so then continue reading the article….
To do this you must be admin of both  (Facebook Page & Group) you want to link each other…
First of all open link and fill login details (i.e. Facebook ID, Password etc) and Click on Login.
 now visit this link and select your Facebook page witch you watch link with group or want to use for create the group or you can directly visit you page custom URL like this (in place of sciencetutorofficial placed you page username).
Now select Groups from Menu. As shown in figure.
 Now Choose Link Group and Select your Group if already exist any group related to your page or create a new by clicking on create group.
Now refresh page your group is linked with your Facebook page.
All think you done good…
If you have any Questions Query Comment Below in comment box…
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[Hindi & English] How to link facebook group to facebook page in mobile app [Science Tutor] [Hindi & English] How to link facebook group to facebook page in mobile app [Science Tutor] Reviewed by Anoop Kumar Sharma on May 11, 2017 Rating: 5

Google Calculator | How to use google online calculator | by Science Tutor

May 04, 2017

Google Calculator

What is Google Calculator?

  Google Calculator is online calculator and free to use and it is a scientific calculator. It provides to calculate the various mathematical operations like trigonometric ratios (sine, cosine, tangent etc) and other operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, square roots and lots more.

How To Launch Google Calculator?

  Go to Google  homepage by visiting Now type the Calculator in Search Bar. And hit enter key or click on search button.
Calculator is opened in your browser’s window.


How To Use Google Calculator?

  How to type numbers use keys shown on the screen or you can use your keyboard keys. Enjoy Google Calculator.


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Google Calculator | How to use google online calculator | by Science Tutor Google Calculator | How to use google online calculator | by Science Tutor Reviewed by Anoop Kumar Sharma on May 04, 2017 Rating: 5
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